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Create your own personalized travel map for free.

As a part of the thriving travelers' community, Toursian offers a unique opportunity for travelers to create their very own personalized travel maps. These maps serve as a virtual showcase of your travel destinations and the beautiful places you have explored.

Create Travel Map
Travelers Profile - Toursian

Steps to create your own travel map

The process of crafting your own travel map is simple

  • Create an account on Toursian
  • And for those who are already members, a quick login will get them started
  • Complete your profile (write a short bio, link social accounts, add your website, showcase your youtube videos)
  • The search page on Toursian allows travelers to find and filter places based on countries, states, and cities.
  • Moreover, a direct search option is available for quick access to a specific destination.
  • Click “add to my map” when you find your expected place.
  • A popup will appear, fill it up and hit "Save"
  • Now go to your profile and check your map. You will see a marker in your map(we call it Flag).

Share your Travel Map with others:

Sharing your travel map with other fellow travelers allows you to connect and inspire each other with your exciting journeys. People also can follow your and whenever you visit a new place, your followers receive notifications, making it a fantastic way to stay connected and share experiences.

Share your Travel Videos:

Travel Youtubers have a special advantage as well; they can showcase their youtube travel videos directly on Toursian. This feature enables travelers and followers to view the videos from your profile without having to switch platforms.

Add places to toursian:

Toursian also offers an excellent platform for travelers to contribute by adding tourist places to the community. By doing so, the place will be showcased on their profile for a lifetime, making it a lasting tribute to their explorations.

Write travel blog:

Toursian serves as an ideal travel blog. The personalized travel map, combined with the ability to write about each adventure, allows travelers to create a comprehensive travel blog that captures their memories and insights.

Toursian empowers travelers to create their own narrative through personalized travel maps. From connecting with like-minded individuals to sharing travel experiences and creating travel blogs, Toursian provides a one-stop platform for every travel enthusiast. So, dive into this exciting journey with Toursian and let your personalized travel map become a beacon of your wanderlust spirit!