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Rupban Mura

রূপবান মুড়া

Address: Cumilla

What Kazi Imtiaz saying about this place:

Rupban Mura is an anthropological tourist interest situated at Kotbari, Cumilla. You can go there by auto or CNG from the center of the Cumilla or Cumilla Bishwa road after getting down from bus or train. There are good restaurants near if you feel famished.

Rupban Mura - Toursian

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Facts about Rupban Mura

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Location of Rupban Mura

Rupban Mura an important archaeological site of mainamati lying on a hillock just between the modern BARD and BDR establishments in the Kotbari area on the south of the Comilla-Kalirbazar road.


Significance of Rupban Mura

Deep diggings have revealed three main periods of building and repairs and rebuilding, the earliest corresponding to c.6th-7th centuries AD. Very few remains of the latest period (10th-11th century AD) survive now in this very heavily disturbed site.


History of Rupban Mura

Excavations have revealed here the remains of a remarkable semi-cruciform shrine of medium size (28.2m east - west, 28m north - south), together with a number of subsidiary structures, including an octagonal stupa and another one on a square base. A boundary wall within the oblong stupa courtyard encloses all these. Its regular entrance is on the east, facing the monastery entrance.


Architecture of the shrine

The Cruciform Shrine Originally built as a solid stupa on a square base, it was subsequently converted into a semi-cruciform shrine in the second period (8th century AD). It has a peculiarity not noticed elsewhere. Instead of a single chapel built in each of the long arm of the cross, a group of three long narrow chapels was built in the eastern (front) side of the shrine.


What are the opening hours of Rupban Mura?



Best season to visit Rupban Mura

Any time


Ticket price at Rupban Mura

10 tk (local), 100 tk (SAARC), 300 tk (foreign)


Wheelchair accessibility of Rupban Mura

Wheelchair Accessible


How much time it will take to visit around Rupban Mura?

9:30am-5 pm


What demographic is Rupban Mura best suited for in terms of visitors?

All Age


Things to do at Rupban Mura

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Travellers Experience / Reviews about Rupban Mura

Ripon Hossain visited at: 2019-03-03

Rupban Mura is an excavation site holding the signs of history and architecture of 6th to 7th century. The stuffs indicating lifestyle of 11th to 12th century is also found here. It's a great historical place to visit.

Satisfaction: 79%

Rupban Mura - Toursian

Emon Ahmed visited at: 2018-10-14

Rupban Mura is an archeological site situated at Cumilla. It's located at a hillock between modern BARD and BDR establishment in kotbari area. This is mainly an excavation complying shines and monastery.

Satisfaction: 80%

Rupban Mura - Toursian

Mamunur Rahman visited at: 2019-09-02

This place is full of green trimmed grassy land with mini excavation rising up. They are the centuries old shrines and monasteries. We gathered a good historical knowledge coming up here. The place gave us a vibe of antiquity.

Satisfaction: 80%

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