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Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park

Address: Gazipur

What Noman Abdullah saying about this place:

Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park is an amusement park having a nice monument of Sheikh Rasel there as a memorial. It's by the Madhumati River in Gopalgonj. We went to Tungipara by a bus from Gabtoli costing 350 tk per person. Then we took a easy bike to reach the park costing 5 tk per person. It's a wonderful park to have a picnic with kids. The rides are amusing. Entry fee is only 10 tk.

Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park - Toursian

About Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park


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Facts about Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park

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Safety issues in Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park

Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park is pretty much safe for visitors. But always take your safety.


Crime rate in Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park

Not enough data is available for Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park. Please add the crime rate here, cautions, and safety issues for traveler help.


Hospitalities in Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park

People Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park are very friendly. You will enjoy visiting Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park very much.


Night life in Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park

The nightlife at Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park is very much gorgeous. You should visit Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park and enjoy its beauty.


How much Female friendly is Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park

Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park is pretty much safe for females. But always take your safety.


Cashless facility in Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park

Cashless facility here is pretty much available.


Historical facts in Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park

Not enough data is available for Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park. Please add any historical data about Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park.


How much family-friendly is Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park

Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park is a family-friendly place. You can visit here with their friends and family.


Cost of living in Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park

Pretty much an affordable place to live in Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park.


Things to do in in Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park

The statue of Liberty etc. There are some beautiful rides for children and youth. Some food is also available there but a bit expensive. 3


About Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park

Faridpur Poura Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park (Faridpur Poura Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park) is a peaceful recreation area and a popular destination for inhabitants of Faridpur. Wonderland and the town collaborated to build this children's park on 14 acres of land in Faridpur's Goalchamot neighborhood. This amusement park is not only the best in the country, but it is also a world-class amusement park.


How Far is the place From Dhaka?

12.6km Distance from Dhaka to Shahid Zia Shishu Park


What are the opening hours of Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park?

10 am


Best season to visit Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park

Any time


Ticket price at Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park

70 tk


Wheelchair accessibility of Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park



How much time it will take to visit around Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park?

4 hour


What demographic is Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park best suited for in terms of visitors?

All Age


Travellers Experience / Reviews about Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park

Tanvir pabel visited at: 2017-09-11

The Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park is located at Tungipara. It attracts the people of all ages, though it's a children park. The park is colorful and well managed. It stands on an area of 5 acres and has 14 different interesting rides. We were amazed visiting the park and took many photos in that beautiful place.

Satisfaction: 68%

Sheikh Rasel Shishu Park - Toursian

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