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salman saleh - Toursian

salman saleh


Places that salman saleh explored.


Khoa Sagor Dighi


In the event that you are a colder time of year darling who cherishes the dewy and hazy mornings, then, at that point Khoa Sagor is your place. Also, in the event that you are a considerable mist sweetheart, you just can't overlook this spot. Since Khoa Sagor Lake is tremendous to the point that it doesn't end however much your eyes take off

Satisfaction: 82% | See Reviews |

Bibi Beganir Masjid


The mosque is a square, single domed estimating 12 feet (3.7 m) square inside with a solitary hemispherical arch, at the highest point of the square room. Doorways are from east, north and south. Pre-Mughal highlights incorporated the bended moldings

Satisfaction: 81% | See Reviews |

Mujibnagar Monument


The structure is supposed to be one of the homes of the extraordinary head of Bangladesh Liberation Movement, Sheik Mujib-ur-Rahman. As a Bengali, I was exceptionally eager on visiting within the house

Satisfaction: 90% | See Reviews |

Mohammad Ali Palace Museum and Park


The grounds of the historical center have been transformed into a somewhat lovely nursery and a once-over event congregation with dilapidated carnival rides. In the furthest corner is a little line of confines containing monkeys plainly influenced by their bondage.

Satisfaction: 67% | See Reviews |

Chandra Mahal Eco Park


Nearby International monetary forms, postage stamps, war weaponry, antiquated tickers, decorations, strict ancient pieces, stone furnishings, uncommon compositions, images of various stoneware and so forth can be found here in ChadraMahal Eco Park.

Satisfaction: 79% | See Reviews |

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