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Apurva Talwar - Toursian

Apurva Talwar


Places that Apurva Talwar explored.


Majuli Island

Goalabari, Assam

In my opinion, the coolest part of being on Majuli island is staying at the Bamboo Cottages Resort. Majuli Island is best visited between October and December. Because of its thriving cultural environment, this island has been considered as the "culture center of Assam" since the 16th century. The Raas Leela event, which lasts three days, is held in mid-November. Majuli island's charming environment and scenic beauty will provide you with a sense of calm.

Satisfaction: 50% | See Reviews |

Dudhsagar Water Falls

Sonaulim, Goa

The Dudhsagar waterfall is a beautiful display of natural beauty given upon us by Mother Nature. The cascading white water, splashing water on the rocks, and cold breeze provide a revitalizing experience for both body and soul.The Dudhsagar waterfalls is among the top five highest in India and among the top 100 waterfalls in the world. Every year, a massive influx of tourists flock there to enjoy in the breathtaking scenery. You can't blame them. This is unquestionably worth seeing!!

Satisfaction: 80% | See Reviews |

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