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John Kabir - Toursian

John Kabir


Places that John Kabir explored.


Old Kingston Park

1315 County Rd 21 N, Prattvill, AL 36067, United States

Old Kingston Park is a neighborhood located in the city of Kingston, New York, USA. The area is known for its charming, historic homes and tree-lined streets.

Satisfaction: 96% | See Reviews |

Isha Khan's Jangalbari Fort

Karimganj, Kishoreganj

the neighborhood organization revamped the town hall inside the fortification and set up the 'Isha Khan Memorial Museum and Library'. There are different pictures of Isha Khan, a rundown of his relatives, and different delineations.

Satisfaction: 86% | See Reviews |

Khoa Sagor Dighi


The climate is so acceptable there that everyone appreciates that place without question. There are such countless supports plans there. In the evening, when the west and east sides of the lake shimmer, the view turns out to be really dazzling

Satisfaction: 90% | See Reviews |

Gajni Obakash Lake


Gajni is a characteristic eco resort arranged in Jinaigati upazila of Sherpur District of Bangladesh which is extremely near Indian line and renowned for the Garo slope. A three celebrated cabin to take rest with loved ones.

Satisfaction: 89% | See Reviews |

Kherua Masjid


It was worked when Sultani time was at its end and Mughal period had quite recently set in. As per the engraving found in the mosque, it was worked by Nawab Mirza Murad Khan, child of Jawahar Ali Khan Kakshal

Satisfaction: 80% | See Reviews |

Court Mosque Gopalganj


Court Masjid is situated at the focal point of the Gopalganj Sadar Upazila. It's anything but a pleasantly embellished mosque having a high minaret close to and a focal vault on of the mosque

Satisfaction: 80% | See Reviews |

Gabkhan Bridge


It is in transit of Barisal-Pirojpur through the parkway. You can have an interruption on the lady of the hour during that season (obviously you must be on a private vehicle). Then again you can emerge out of Jhalokathi town.

Satisfaction: 86% | See Reviews |

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