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Mabela Ahmed - Toursian

Mabela Ahmed


Places that Mabela Ahmed explored.


Whale Submarine Maldives

Laccadive Sea

Tourists will be able to plunge down below 120 feet in a passenger submarine while relaxing in the state-of-the-art luxuries and comforts. You will see a brilliant display of corals as well as several varieties of colorful reef fish such as Common Lionfish, Yellow Box Fish will be there. Make sure you bring your camera and keep it ready so as to never miss any unexpected encounter with fearless sharks or turtles lurking in the waters.

Satisfaction: 85% | See Reviews |

Maldives National Museum


Maldives' National Museum, The very first museum of Maldives was established and opened on the country's National Day in 1952, with the goal of preserving and displaying the unique history of these remote islands. Mohamed Amin Didi, the country's Prime Minister at the time, inaugurated this well-organized museum made of steel and glass, which houses an extraordinary collection of historical items from this tiny island nation in the Indian Ocean.

Satisfaction: 70% | See Reviews |

Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

Powell Rd, Ohio

Satisfaction: 0% | See Reviews |

Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Ohio, United States

Satisfaction: 0% | See Reviews |

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