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Mysha - Toursian



Places that Mysha explored.


St. Martin's Island

Cox's Bazar

I went to visit Saint Martin's Island when I was 12. I can still recall the enjoyment of that tour as the place's beauty solely touched my heart. I went there with my family and we spent an entire day walking through the island and felt its beauty . It's possible to walk around the island in a day as it is small and precise. I will never miss a chance to visit this place again. But the food is quite compromising.

Satisfaction: 80% | See Reviews |

Kuakata Sea Beach


Kuakata is one of the best sea beaches I have visited. The best thing about this place is the view of sunset and rise. This beauty can be compared with the Sunayama beach of Japan. I stayed in a local hotel and had local food which was up to the mark! It is a must visit place for people who love sea beaches.

Satisfaction: 100% | See Reviews |

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