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Sarah Jones - Toursian

Sarah Jones


Places that Sarah Jones explored.


Hatubhanga Waterfall

Bariadyala, Chittagong

According to locals, the waterfall's grounds are excessively slippery, which is why it's known as Hatu Bhanga Waterfall. It has a notable height, although the waterfall only fills with water when it rains. Hatu Bhanga Waterfall is close to Horinmara Kundo Waterfall. It's only a five to ten minute gradual walk from there. You can continue your voyage downstream with this water.

Satisfaction: 75% | See Reviews |

Zainul Abedin Park

Park Road, Mymensingh

It's a lovely spot to visit. It's a park along the river. The natural grandeur of the Brahmaputra river may be seen. Within the park, there is a miniature zoo. You can lose yourself in the enchantment of the lush natural ambience for a longer duration. On the one hand, you may see all of Zainul Abedin Museum's famous paintings. Annually December, the gallery authority hosts an anniversary event that includes a talk about Zainul's life and work, as well as a painting competition.

Satisfaction: 71% | See Reviews |

Bhandaria Shishu Park

Bhandaria, Pirojpur

This location is an external source of entertainment and enjoyment. It has a variety of attractions, including rides and games, as well as other entertainment events. The park contains attractive buildings as well as diverse areas with distinct themes. A As a result, it appeals to a wide range of age groups. If you've had a long and exhausting week, this can help you pass the time on the weekend.

Satisfaction: 68% | See Reviews |

4th Bangladesh - China Friendship Bridge


Visiting this Bridge is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me and my buddies.  You may spend your day with a brisk walk and enjoying stunning sights of riverside! It is really one of the most amazing places I have ever visited! The scenery was absolutely beautiful. 

Satisfaction: 74% | See Reviews |

Lokanatha Temple, Jhalokati


The temple holds a lot of religious significance. The grandeur of the architectural design is reflected in the entry gate and the inside of the temple. I was very impressed by the artwork on the walls and the majesty of the altar. There are numerous exquisite idols of gods and goddesses. In front of the idols, priests huddled. The priests chanted mantras and bestowed blessings on the believers. The mood was serene and pleasant.

Satisfaction: 73% | See Reviews |

Sohosrodhara Waterfall

Choto Darogarhat, Chittagong

Shitakundu's Enchanting Sohosrodhara Waterfall will rejuvenate your soul! If you need a break from the hectic city life and want to explore the peacefulness, you should realize that your soul requires the great force of nature to recover. Walking through the greenish wonderland and pouring your emotions into the cascade of Sohosrodhara will relieve you of all your worries.

Satisfaction: 88% | See Reviews |

Baniachang Raj Bari


Baniachang in Habiganj district is presently known as the world's largest village. Baniachang Bari is a fusion of history, tradition, and natural beauty in Baniachong. Baniachong was established in the year 50 AD. Although most villages are made up of a few neighborhoods or mahallas, Baniachang village is unique in this regard. Besides, this beautiful landmark will astound you. The greatest time to visit this location is during the rainy season, when you can appreciate the natural freshness.

Satisfaction: 73% | See Reviews |

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