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Dublar Char

দুবলার চর

Address: Bagerhat

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Dublar Char - Toursian

About Dublar Char


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Facts about Dublar Char

Toursian is in the process of collecting all the necessary facts about Kuakata sea beach to provide a comprehensive guide for travelers. If you have any updates, facts, or suggestions for things to do at this destination, feel free to share them with us.

Weather in the area of Dublar Char

The average annual temperature for the area is 32° degrees and there is about 507 mm of rain in a year.


Greenery of Dublar Char

The place around Dublar char is rich in trees and greenery.


Distance from Dhaka

234 kilometres


Location of Dublar Char

Dublar Char is found on the south side of the Sundarbans mangrove forest, south-west of Kotka and southeast of Hiron Point. It is a remote island located between the Kunga and Poshur rivers.


How to go there

Sakura Paribahan, Sohag Paribahan, Meghna Paribahan, Porjotok Paribahan, and others travel to Khulna Bagerhat from Dhaka Gabtali or Sayedabad bus terminal. Then, from Bagerhat's Mongla port, you can rent a steamer or an engine boat to Dublar Char.


Area of the Island

66.5 km^2 in located in the Bagerhat District


Network in Dublar Char

Only Teletalk Internet & Mobile Network is available here.


What are the opening hours of Dublar Char?



Best season to visit Dublar Char

Any time


Ticket price at Dublar Char

No Ticket


Wheelchair accessibility of Dublar Char

Wheelchair Not Accessible


How much time it will take to visit around Dublar Char?



What demographic is Dublar Char best suited for in terms of visitors?

All Age


Things to do at Dublar Char

As a travelers community Toursian aims to list all the interactive things to do here.

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Travellers Experience / Reviews about Dublar Char

Ramisha Anjum visited at: 2019-02-12

An island in Bangladesh with an area of 66.5 km^2, Dublar Char is located in the Bagerhat District of the Khulna Division. It is a tourist destination inside Sundarban. Its a beautiful island and a lot of people visit the island everyday. Fishermen live there during fishing season for 3-4 months. The island is also known to host a “Raas Mela” every year. It is quite a festive place.

Satisfaction: 87%

Safwana Kabir visited at: 2019-03-04

Dublar Char is known as the largest dry fish processing site in the Sundarban Region. There is also a market in Dublar Char named Dublar Char New Market. Different types of things are sold in the market to the people. This island is 234 km far from Dhaka. It is one of the beautiful islands of Bangladesh.

Satisfaction: 78%

Rabib Kamal visited at: 2019-02-03

Hi everyone, this is Rabib Kamal. I love to travel, its my passion. I have visited Dublai Char in 2019. Found it almost like Coxs Bazar and it had similar features with Sundarban as well. I wish to go there once again when I can

Satisfaction: 80%

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