Lonar Lake Address
Lonar Lake is located in the Maharashtra state of India's Buldhana district.
EditAddress: Maharashtra - महाराष्ट्र
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Lonar Lake is located in the Maharashtra state of India's Buldhana district.
EditEveryone is welcome to visit Lonar Lake. It is accessible to the public without any charge.
EditLonar Lake is open daily to visitors from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Winter is the ideal time to visit Lonar. From November to January, the atmosphere is lovely. To achieve the best possible panoramic views of the lake, go before 9 a.m. or shortly before the sun goes down.
EditDue to the sheer existence of salt-loving 'Haloarchaea' microorganisms, the water at Lonar Lake turned pink. And, since it produces pink pigment, it created a pink color carpet on the water's surface, according to scientists. Lonar Lake is also the world's third largest basin caused by a meteorite collision, has inexplicably taken on a pinkish color. The lake's color looks to be variations of emerald green almost all of the time. This has spurred researchers to look deeper into the matter, and a study has begun.